Friday, June 29, 2007

Google Docs / Zoho / Google Labs / Web 2.0 Award Winners

Google Docs and Zoho

Wow. I think I actually like Zoho better than Google Docs. But which would I be more likely to use? Google Docs, of course. I already have used Google Docs and it's more likely that in the event of collaboration, others will already have a Google account. I really, really wish Google Docs had been around in library school. All those group projects! And we emailed World docs back and forth with that messy "track changes" function. I shall endeavor to lay the past to rest.

Google Labs

Hey, I just found a bunch of stuff to download to my home computer. Google widgets for Mac (now that I have seen the light and recognized the error of my PC ways), the keyboard shortcuts for searching (which will be super-cool for using on laptops without a mouse attached and for saving my back and mouse arm muscles doing countless searches a day at the ref desk), and the Google Accelerator (yes, speed please). Fun. I have looked at Google Labs many times in the past, but not recently and I'm very impressed.

Web 2.0 Award Winners

So I just found Omnidrive. I've heard rumors about free online storage space, but didn't know where to find it until now. Yea!

And I think One Sentence is fun and quite inspiring.

And of course there's Coctail Builder, an old and trusted friend.


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